Home Miscellaneous NWCA Final Team List for NWCA DIII Championships

Final Team List for NWCA DIII Championships


The entry deadline for seeds was yesterday for the NWCA Division III Coaches Association National Wrestling Championships. Individual entries may change, but this is the list of the 34 teams expected to compete next weekend in Iowa.

Adrian CollegeLoras College
Alma CollegeLuther College
Augsburg UniversityMessiah University
Augustana UniversityMillikin University
Averett UniversityMilwaukee School of Engineering
Buena Vista UniversityMount St. Joseph University
Carthage CollegeNebraska Wesleyan University
Central CollegeNew Jersey City University
Coe CollegeNorth Central College
Concordia MoorheadOlivet College
Concordia University WisconsinSimpson College
Cornell CollegeSouthern Virginia University
Elmhurst UniversityStevens Institute of Technology
Ferrum CollegeUnited State Coast Guard Academy
Fontbonne UniversityUniversity of Dubuque
Greensboro CollegeWartburg College
Iowa Wesleyan UniversityWestminster College


  1. Indivdual lists should not change this at all because individuals cannot compete…all wrestlers must have school permission to compete so individual athletes can not participate.

  2. Individual lists could change if teams change their lineups they bring due injury or wrestle offs.

  3. Just wondering, Is it true that seniors whose conference doesn’t allow them to go can compete as an individual in the tournament?

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