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3-Point Takedown Approved


The NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel (PROP) has approved changing takedowns from two points to three next season among other changes announced today. The list of possible changes was previously announced but any changes had to be approved by PROP.

Some of the other changes approved include:

  1. 3-point takedown
  2. Hand-touch takedown eliminated (control beyond reaction time required)
  3. 2, 3, and 4 point near falls for 2, 3, and 4 second counts
  4. Video review can check all calls in the reviewed segment
  5. First medical forfeit in a tournament counts as a loss on the wrestler’s record
  6. Weigh-ins for all competitions will be a maximum of two hours ahead
  7. No limitations on facial hair

The only proposed rule change that will not go into effect is the proposal to only award a riding time point if the wrestler has also scored a near fall in the match.

See the official release for all rule changes.

3-point takedown approved in wrestling (NCAA.org)