Weight | First | Last | Team | Region | Place |
125 | Zac | Denny | Wisconsin-Whitewater | Midwest | 1 |
125 | Cole | Ferguson | Wisconsin-Platteville | West | 2 |
125 | James | Goman | Augsburg | West | 3 |
125 | Bobby | Jordan | Johnson & Wales (RI) | Northeast | 1 |
125 | James | Kaishian | Ithaca | Northeast | 3 |
125 | Asher | Kramer | Brockport State | Mideast | 2 |
125 | Lucas | Malmberg | Messiah | Mideast | 1 |
125 | Rob | Murray | Stevens Institute Of Technology | East | 2 |
125 | Arnulfo | Olea | Wartburg | Central | 1 |
125 | CJ | Pestano | Central (IA) | Central | 2 |
125 | Andrew | Roden | SUNY-Cortland | Northeast | 2 |
125 | Jan | Rosenberg | Coe | Central | 3 |
125 | Jacob | Spearman | Washington and Jefferson | Mideast | 3 |
125 | Jakob | Stageberg | Concordia-Moorhead | West | 1 |
125 | Chris | Tan | Ursinus | East | 1 |
125 | Brenden | Velez | Delaware Valley University | East | 3 |
125 | Ben | Vosters | Wisconsin-Stevens Point | Midwest | 2 |
125 | Ryan | Weinmann | Wisconsin-La Crosse | Midwest | 3 |
133 | Sam | Bennyhoff | Augsburg | West | 1 |
133 | Devin | Broukal | Wabash | Midwest | 3 |
133 | Connor | Campo | Wartburg | Central | 1 |
133 | Joseph | Ferinde | Johnson & Wales (RI) | Northeast | 3 |
133 | Ryan | Flynn | York (PA) | Mideast | 1 |
133 | gabe | foltz | Concordia-Moorhead | West | 2 |
133 | Jesse | Gunter | Baldwin Wallace | Mideast | 3 |
133 | Bryan | Israel | Ithaca | Northeast | 2 |
133 | Tyler | Keane | Springfield | Northeast | 1 |
133 | Ryan | O`Boyle | McDaniel | East | 1 |
133 | Phillip | Opelt | Cornell College | Central | 2 |
133 | Nathan | Pike | New York University | East | 2 |
133 | Michael | Pleski | St. Johns (MN) | West | 3 |
133 | Jaydon | Rice | Hunter | East | 3 |
133 | Romeo | Riley | Alma College | Midwest | 1 |
133 | Michael | Triplett | Loras | Central | 3 |
133 | Eric | Velez | Brockport State | Mideast | 2 |
133 | Dustin | Weinmann | Wisconsin-La Crosse | Midwest | 2 |
141 | Nathaniel | Behnke | Wisconsin-Eau Claire | West | 2 |
141 | Layten | Binion | North Central (IL) | Midwest | 2 |
141 | Jeremy | Border | Mount Union | Mideast | 2 |
141 | Ryan | Budzek | The College of New Jersey | East | 2 |
141 | Alvontae | Drummond | McDaniel | East | 1 |
141 | Shawn | Giblin | Rhode Island College | Northeast | 1 |
141 | Allen | Henle | St. Johns (MN) | West | 1 |
141 | Justin | Kihn | Heidelberg | Mideast | 1 |
141 | Josh | Martin | Cornell College | Central | 2 |
141 | Jimmy | Nehls | Elmhurst | Midwest | 1 |
141 | Brendon | Seyfried | Williams College | Northeast | 2 |
141 | Drew | Van Anrooy | Luther | Central | 1 |
141 | Michael | Venezia | Wabash | Midwest | 3 |
141 | Nick | Wahba | Ithaca | Northeast | 3 |
141 | Gregory | Warner | York (PA) | Mideast | 3 |
141 | Chris | Williams | Millikin University | Central | 3 |
141 | Ryan | Wilson | Stevens Institute Of Technology | East | 3 |
141 | Aaron | Wilson | Augsburg | West | 3 |
149 | Derek | Arnold | Ursinus | East | 1 |
149 | Paul | Biggs | Ferrum College | East | 2 |
149 | Mason | Bohm | Wisconsin-Platteville | West | 3 |
149 | Damon | Cheek | Heidelberg | Mideast | 3 |
149 | Daniel | Del Gallo | Southern Maine | Northeast | 3 |
149 | Daniel | Downes | Roger Williams | Northeast | 1 |
149 | Trevor | Engle | Cornell College | Central | 3 |
149 | Joey | Gaccione | Johnson & Wales (RI) | Northeast | 2 |
149 | Dakota | Gray | Luther | Central | 2 |
149 | Rashad | Kennedy | Augsburg | West | 1 |
149 | Seth | Lansberry | Lycoming | Mideast | 2 |
149 | Kenneth | Martin | Wartburg | Central | 1 |
149 | Dan | Mirman | John Carroll | Mideast | 1 |
149 | Roy | Munroe | Wisconsin-Eau Claire | West | 2 |
149 | Blake | Santi | Elmhurst | Midwest | 1 |
149 | Isaiah | Vela | Wisconsin-Whitewater | Midwest | 3 |
149 | Zach | Wilhelm | Stevens Institute Of Technology | East | 3 |
149 | Ben | Williamson | North Central (IL) | Midwest | 2 |
157 | Brandon | Arteaga | Wisconsin-Whitewater | Midwest | 3 |
157 | Brett | Beltz | Thiel | Mideast | 1 |
157 | Nick | Bova | Wabash | Midwest | 1 |
157 | Larry | Cannon | Messiah | Mideast | 3 |
157 | ben | cousins | Concordia-Moorhead | West | 1 |
157 | Robert | Dierna | SUNY-Cortland | Northeast | 1 |
157 | Aaron | Engle | Cornell College | Central | 2 |
157 | Ty | Herzog | Roger Williams | Northeast | 3 |
157 | Pierce | Holtfreter | Concordia (WI) | West | 3 |
157 | Raymond | Jazikoff | New York University | East | 3 |
157 | Jorge | Lopez | Williams College | Northeast | 2 |
157 | Antonio | Mancella | The College of New Jersey | East | 2 |
157 | Logan | Meister | Ferrum College | East | 1 |
157 | Grant | Parker | Augsburg | West | 2 |
157 | Nicholas | Racanelli | Wilkes | Mideast | 2 |
157 | Josh | Tardy | North Central (IL) | Midwest | 2 |
157 | Drew | Wagenhoffer | Wartburg | Central | 1 |
157 | Tristan | Zurfluh | Luther | Central | 3 |
165 | Aaron | Banko | Heidelberg | Mideast | 3 |
165 | Nolan | Barger | Lycoming | Mideast | 2 |
165 | Connor | Brummett | Wabash | Midwest | 3 |
165 | Teddy | Erickson | St. Johns (MN) | West | 2 |
165 | Timothy | Garripoli | Williams College | Northeast | 3 |
165 | Tom | Gerszewski | Wisconsin-Whitewater | Midwest | 2 |
165 | Alec | Golner | Roger Williams | Northeast | 2 |
165 | Eric | Hensel | Augsburg | West | 1 |
165 | Logan | Hermsen | Wisconsin-Stevens Point | Midwest | 1 |
165 | Nick | Herring | The College of New Jersey | East | 1 |
165 | Jeff | Hojnacki | Messiah | Mideast | 1 |
165 | Nicholas | Michael | Wartburg | Central | 2 |
165 | Colin | Navickas | Stevens Institute Of Technology | East | 2 |
165 | Benjamin | Schweiger | Delaware Valley University | East | 3 |
165 | Farai | Sewera | Coe | Central | 1 |
165 | cole | sladek | Concordia-Moorhead | West | 3 |
165 | Ryan | Vandall | Central (IA) | Central | 3 |
165 | Nick | Velez | Ithaca | Northeast | 1 |
174 | Stephen | Aiello | Wheaton (IL) | Midwest | 3 |
174 | Garrett | Beaman | St. Olaf | West | 1 |
174 | Sonnieboy | Blanco | Washington and Jefferson | Mideast | 3 |
174 | Garrett | Chase | Baldwin Wallace | Mideast | 1 |
174 | Eric | Devos | Wartburg | Central | 1 |
174 | Ethan | Farmer | Wabash | Midwest | 2 |
174 | Jon | Goetz | Wisconsin-Platteville | West | 2 |
174 | Doug | Hamann | The College of New Jersey | East | 2 |
174 | Ryan | Harrington | Coe | Central | 2 |
174 | Stephen | Jarrell | Johnson & Wales (RI) | Northeast | 1 |
174 | Jake | Johnson | Concordia-Moorhead | West | 3 |
174 | John | Messinger | New York University | East | 3 |
174 | Lou | Puca | SUNY-Cortland | Northeast | 2 |
174 | Dan | Ressler | Roger Williams | Northeast | 3 |
174 | Javier | Reyes | Luther | Central | 3 |
174 | Tyler | Schneider | Wisconsin-La Crosse | Midwest | 1 |
174 | Joshua | Sibblies | Centenary (NJ) | East | 1 |
174 | Ben | Swarr | Messiah | Mideast | 2 |
184 | ricky | briggs | Concordia-Moorhead | West | 2 |
184 | Christoper | Chorzepa | Williams College | Northeast | 1 |
184 | Brandon | Conrad | Rhode Island College | Northeast | 3 |
184 | Austin | Cook | Wisconsin-La Crosse | Midwest | 2 |
184 | Dillen | Decker | Heidelberg | Mideast | 2 |
184 | William | Gockel – Figge | New York University | East | 2 |
184 | AJ | Kowal | Stevens Institute Of Technology | East | 1 |
184 | Justin | Kreiter | Luther | Central | 1 |
184 | Sebastian | Larson | Augsburg | West | 3 |
184 | Riley | Lefever | Wabash | Midwest | 1 |
184 | Bryan | Levsen | Wartburg | Central | 3 |
184 | AJ | McBroom | Central (IA) | Central | 2 |
184 | Jeff | Palmeri | Brockport State | Mideast | 3 |
184 | Ron | Tassoni | Washington and Lee | East | 3 |
184 | Josh | Thomson | Messiah | Mideast | 1 |
184 | Carlos | Toribio | Ithaca | Northeast | 2 |
184 | Logan | Walkup | Wheaton (IL) | Midwest | 3 |
184 | Grant | Wedepohl | Wisconsin-Platteville | West | 1 |
197 | Angus | Arthur | Adrian | Midwest | 1 |
197 | Mason | Baumgartner | Concordia (WI) | West | 1 |
197 | Devon | Carrillo | Wesleyan (CT) | Northeast | 3 |
197 | Luke | Fernandez | Elizabethtown | Mideast | 1 |
197 | Ricky | Fisher | Merchant Marine | East | 2 |
197 | Joe | Giaramita | SUNY-Cortland | Northeast | 2 |
197 | Logan | Hortop | Augsburg | West | 2 |
197 | Jamie | Jakes | Alma College | Midwest | 2 |
197 | Kyle | Koser | Messiah | Mideast | 3 |
197 | Tyler | Maclellan | Baldwin Wallace | Mideast | 2 |
197 | Dennis | Melendez | Hunter | East | 1 |
197 | Gerard | Roman | Wartburg | Central | 1 |
197 | Matt | Seabold | Central (IA) | Central | 3 |
197 | Michael | Swider | Wheaton (IL) | Midwest | 3 |
197 | Eddie | Terres | Lakeland | West | 3 |
197 | Etiini | Udott | Centenary (NJ) | East | 3 |
197 | Malcolm | Watson | Loras | Central | 2 |
197 | David | Welch | Roger Williams | Northeast | 1 |
285 | Jake | Benedict | Springfield | Northeast | 1 |
285 | Clay | Broze | Wisconsin-La Crosse | Midwest | 3 |
285 | James | Buss | Millikin University | Central | 3 |
285 | Lance | Evans | Wartburg | Central | 1 |
285 | Kyle | Foster | Roger Williams | Northeast | 3 |
285 | Zachary | Gibson | St. Olaf | West | 2 |
285 | Daniel | Glinko | Ithaca | Northeast | 2 |
285 | Conner | Herman | Luther | Central | 2 |
285 | D`Andre | Johnson | Wisconsin-Platteville | West | 3 |
285 | Jesse | Judge | Olivet | Midwest | 2 |
285 | Donald | Longendyke | Augsburg | West | 1 |
285 | Tyler | Maher | Stevens Institute Of Technology | East | 3 |
285 | Trevor | Maresh | Alma College | Midwest | 1 |
285 | Will | Porter | John Carroll | Mideast | 2 |
285 | Zachery | Roseberry | Delaware Valley University | East | 1 |
285 | Mike | Spencer | York (PA) | Mideast | 3 |
285 | Paul | Triandafilou | Gettysburg | East | 2 |
285 | Jason | Wright | Messiah | Mideast | 1 |
Wow, Adcock was near the top of the ranking all year, but didn’t make Nationals! (didn’t even place) just goes to show how tough the midwest regional is…
Yep, that is quite a heartbreaker!
Highly ranked DNQs happen every year and can happen in any regional. Bad luck. Bad draw. Sick. Dinged-up. Every wrestler has a story and no 2 are the same. Crazy sport. The highest highs and the lowest lows. Good Luck to all who qualified, and better luck to those who didn’t.
Asher Kramer from Brockport came thru in a heck of bracket. Guys been fun to watch over the past few years. Good luck to him in Iowa.
Asher Kramer will be in the finals vs malburg … Take it to the bank
Another year with no Dubuque qualifiers..what happened to that program?
Tough Conference and Regional, Doesn’t help that Central College has improved they knocked 3 of their potential qualifiers out.
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