The deadline for the picks contest was 12pm Eastern Time today, so I have deleted all entries that came in today after the deadline. Good luck!
The deadline for the picks contest was 12pm Eastern Time today, so I have deleted all entries that came in today after the deadline. Good luck!
Will there be updates of standings for the pool?
Do not cash to buy a car? You should not worry, just because that is real to take the mortgage loans to work out such problems. Therefore take a bank loan to buy everything you want.
I scored 7,700 on my picks. (See below)
Anyone beat this score????
Jonny V Said,
125-Roberts-Aug-100 (earned 700)
133-Northern-Corn-300 (earned 600)
141-Kelly-Wart-100 (earned 800)
149-Valek-Aug-900 (earned 900)
157-Adams-Aug-500 (earned 800)
165-Ponce-Aug-300 (earned 900)
174-Molitor-Aug-700 (earned 800)
184-Moenkedick-ConcM-800 (earned 1,000)
197-Massey-Aug-1000 (earned 900)
285-Witzel-Aug-300 (earned 300)
Nope, I scored 6,800:
125 Roberts Augsburg 100 800
133 Nothern Cornell 300 600
141 Starzyk North Central 700 400
149 Valek Augsburg 900 900
157 Adams Augsburg 500 800
165 Ponce Augsburg 300 900
174 Molitor Augsburg 700 800
184 Barclay Luther 50 0
197 Massey Augsburg 1000 800
285 Sutter Lakeland 400 800
Total 4950 6800
125- Roberts (Aug) 100 (700)
133- Livingston (Cente) 100 (800)
141- Donahue (Corn) 200 (700)
149- Mauseth (LX) 800 (800)
157- Mizer (Heid) 600 (900)
165- Baarson (StJ) 400 0
174- Schmitz (LX) 900 (1000)
184- Youel (NC) 700 (600)
197- Carlson (Chi) 400 0
285- Laurent (LX) 800 (1000)
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