As we head into July, here is the status of some of the coaching vacancies in Division III Wrestling
New Programs for 2020
Carthage – Head Men’s and Women’s Coach Listing
Iowa Wesleyan – Head Men’s and Women’s Coach Listing
New Jersey City University – Job closed June 5th
Competing This Season
Alvernia – Vacant since the departure of Seth Ecker; should be announcing a new coach soon as they begin their first season.
Hunter – No official announcement of MarcAntoni Macias leaving, but there is a job listing from three weeks ago on Intermat
Simpson – The school has not announced the departure of Nate Hansen, but there is a job posting on their website.
Trinity – The school began a search for a replacement for Marques Gales (headed to Sacramento City College) in April, but they have not announced his replacement.
Ursinus – Josh Mangle was the interim coach after the passing of Bill Racich. The job listing for a full-time coach is still up, but it seems likely they are close to concluding their search.
Lakeland is also now open. What happened at Alvernia?
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