157–How do you even justify Monteiro (WNEC) not going to 5? Head to head pin over Pugh–Pugh beat Maloney. Montiero only D3 loss is to Lyons. He also beat Schneider from Ithaca same weekend.
Monteiro should be at least top 5. Kid pinned Pugh, it should be fixed
These rankings are beyond laughable Get out and watch some matches and then make some competent rankings
Warburg kid needs to be in top 10 at 165…..
157–How do you even justify Monteiro (WNEC) not going to 5? Head to head pin over Pugh–Pugh beat Maloney. Montiero only D3 loss is to Lyons. He also beat Schneider from Ithaca same weekend.
Monteiro should be at least top 5. Kid pinned Pugh, it should be fixed
These rankings are beyond laughable Get out and watch some matches and then make some competent rankings
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