Home Rankings d3wrestle.com 2023-2024 Rankings #6

d3wrestle.com 2023-2024 Rankings #6


Welcome to the first rankings of 2024. As usual, the Contender and H.M. sections should be in alphabetical order by last name. Leave a comment if there is a misspelled name or misidentified school.

d3wrestle.com 2023-2024 Rankings #6 – January 15, 2024

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  1. Vlasnik 157 beat Nettleton at Case Wastern dual meet yet he is still is ranked higher. Can you help explain that? Thanks.

  2. First, don’t get me wrong, Fry guy is good but over 2X Champ and 3X finalist Precin is bad you guys.
    Secondly, you’re penalizing the guys that wrestle and rewarding the guys that dodge competition. I thought highly of these rankings until today.
    Do better.

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