Home Miscellaneous Awards 2023 NWCA Scholar Teams and All-Americans

2023 NWCA Scholar Teams and All-Americans


The NWCA has released the top 30 teams and Scholar All-Americans for 2023. WPI nipped Heidelberg for the top team with Stevens right behind in third place. 364 individuals made the cut as scholar All-Americans by meeting the academic and athletic criteria. The team GPA award is based on a selection of athletes that competed in the regional along with an allowed number of additional wrestlers who met competition date requirements.

NWCA Release

Sortable List of Scholar All-Americans

Top 30 Teams

RankInstitutionHead CoachGPA
1Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)Matt Oney3.767
2Heidelberg UniversityTony Patrizi3.76612
3Stevens Institute of TechnologyJoseph Favia3.7344
4Johns Hopkins UniversityKeith Norris3.727
5Rochester Institute of TechnologyJason Bovenzi3.72
6Washington and Lee UniversityNathan Shearer3.6719
7Trinity CollegeSebastian Amato3.6672
8Ohio Northern UniversityRon Beaschler3.667
9Case Western Reserve UniversityJoshua Malave3.6562
10Williams CollegeScott Honecker3.634
11University of ChicagoLeo Kocher3.629
12Augsburg UniversityTony Valek3.605
13Baldwin Wallace UniversityJamie Gibbs3.5968
14Springfield CollegeJason Holder3.5922
15Lycoming CollegeRoger Crebs3.584
16United States Coast Guard AcademyKevin Bratland3.58
17Wesleyan UniversityDrew Black3.574
18New York UniversityBruce E Haberli3.5721
19Wabash CollegeBrian Anderson3.5633
20John Carroll UniversityMark Hawald3.54
21Albion CollegeAdam Wilson3.538
22Ithaca CollegeMartin Nichols3.5319
23Castleton UniversityScott Legacy3.53
24UW La CrosseDave Malecek3.519
25Roger Williams UniversityJon Egan3.5185
26Gettysburg CollegeGino Frank3.513
27UW Eau ClaireTim Fader3.497
28Olivet CollegeBrandon Brissette3.492
29McDaniel CollegeMason Goretsas3.4853
30UW PlattevilleChris Walter3.4826


  1. Dang it, Wartburg misses the Academic side yet again. I thought this was the year. I guess the discipline still isn’t there to do well on the mat and the classroom.

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