Home Results Results 09-10 Weekend Results

Weekend Results


Loras 28, Augustana 9
Waynesburg 29, Apprentice 16

Jim Fox Open at Dubuque
Purdue Duals (MSJ, Lakeland)
Desert Duals
Gator Duals – partial results

Notable Results from the Desert Duals include Carrington Banks (Wartburg) and #2 Nick LeClere (Coe) defeating #1 Morin (USM) at 165, #4 Youel (North Central) defeating #1 Moenkedick (Concordia) at 184, #2 Kist (Wartburg) and #3 Rush defeating #1 Oster (Elmhurst), and #4 Anderson (Concordia) defeating #2 Sandy (Wartburg). That’s three #1 ranked wrestlers going down on the same day at the same event.


  1. Morin went down 3 times this weekend. He got beat by Stephen Towne, Grand Canyon University and then Lunde from Concordia-Moorhead turned around and beat Towne of GCU 5-1. Some pretty good competition at 165.

  2. Justin Berns of Concordia-Moorhead beat Charlie Curran-Elmhurst and then teched TJ Moen-Wartburg; both were rated at 149.

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