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New Forum on d3wrestle.com


After several suggestions to add a forum, I have decided to do so.  The forum can be found by clicking the link below and by following the link in the sidebar.  Try to keep the discussion to Division III wrestling and leave the personal attacks at home.  It’s very basic right now, and I’ll expand and enhance it as it becomes necessary.  Hopefully, we can get some good discussion going.

d3wrestle.com Forum


  1. Hey,

    We began collecting your news with your RSS feeds and are currently cleaning up some of the code errors that occur in transition. I wanted to know if you’d like to have a sub forum in our College Wrestling category to discuss Division 3 wrestling (rather than having your forum here, we can skin it to match your website completely, as we did with TheWrestlingMall and RevWrestling.)

    This would give you a much larger audience to discuss Division 3 wrestling with, right out of the gates, a more robust software application to manage the forum for you, and in return, you would be giving us a MUCH needed expert resource devoted to Division 3 wrestling.

    Let me know what you think,

    Jacob Schlottke

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