Home Teams MSOE MSOE Bus Catches Fire Saturday, None Injured

MSOE Bus Catches Fire Saturday, None Injured


As the MSOE wrestling team traveled back to Milwaukee from the Northwood Duals on Saturday night, the team bus caught fire while the the wrestlers were still nearly 300 miles from home. All aboard safely evacuated, though personal possessions and wrestling gear were lost in the blaze. Some wrestlers left the bus without shoes or coats, according to a parent of a current wrestler. The wrestlers waited in the Barron County Sheriff’s office as a replacement bus was dispatched to finish their journey back to Milwaukee.

The team has canceled a planned Wednesday dual but hopes to be back in action this Saturday at the Al Hanke Invitational at Elmhurst. The school has publicized this link where anyone can donate to help the athletes and team replace items lost in the fire. See below for more information.

Milwaukee wrestling team recalls moment bus catches fire in rural Wisconsin (WISN)

MSOE Creates Fund To Support Men’s Wrestling (go-raiders.com)

MSOE Wrestling Student Support