Home Miscellaneous d3wrestle.com Pledge Drive

d3wrestle.com Pledge Drive


The next few weeks are a pledge drive here at d3wrestle.com. If you have enjoyed following NCAA Division III wrestling during the decade-plus of this site’s existence, perhaps you would be willing to contribute to the d3wrestle.com Patreon campaign. Patreon allows supporters like you to make a small monthly pledge to show your appreciation for the content found here at d3wrestle.com. Pledges can be as small as $1, but pledges at $5 per month or more will get you a d3wrestle.com bumper sticker. Thank you for sticking with the site for all these years. There will be much more wrestling content to come.

You can also always find the button to go directly to the Patreon page in the right sidebar of this site where it says “Become a Patron.”